
[space height="20"]

The shortcodes supports users to make content for web pages. In Joomla administrator, Yt Shortcodes button will be appeared below the text-area, you can choose shortcodes for the text-area to make content. We will show bonus pages for sample in some templates using shortcodes from now.

Note: Shortcodes only works in detail article (joomla! content, k2 content), custom html module.

YT Shortcode User-guide:

Let's go to here for reading full help documentation of YT Shortcode Plugin


源順製油永遠堅持「只製造有益人體健康之產品」的信念,即便在盈虧時期,也不受利潤誘惑,有所改變。源順製油品質曾多次受國家檢驗肯定。於1982年,抽驗市售花生油並公佈抽驗報告,源順是唯一符合國家標準,通過檢驗廠商。 1984年,消費者文教基金會再檢驗市售胡麻油,源順胡麻油再度符合國家標準,源順製油品質再次受到肯定....more


恭賀本公司通過2018年版ISO22000暨HACCP雙認證   ...
源順各地營業單位地址及聯絡電話~ 台北:新北市八里區頂寮二街 ...